Sunday 31 August 2014

Happy National Day, Malaysians

Hari Merdeka (Independence Day) is a national day of Malaysia commemorating the independence of the Federation of Malaya from British colonial rule in 1957, celebrated on 31 August each year. This should not be confused with Hari Malaysia (Malaysia Day) when Malaysia was formed on 16 September 1963 together by Federation of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore....blah,blah,blah. (I'm not really a 'celebrate national day kind of person').

Hey guys, I'm still reading Conn Iggulden's Conqueror series. It is one of the best book I've ever read in my life. I've read Empire of Silver and The Conqueror which features on Genghis' grandsons, Mongke Khan, Hulegu, Arik Boke Khan and Kublai Khan and Ogedai's son, Guyuk Khan who was only Khan for a year. These are the books in this series:

You guys can visit for more information on this series. I've also read The Immortal Iron Fist by excellent writers, Ed Brubaker and Matt Fraction and amazing artist, David Aja. Its mind-exploding once you've finished reading the first three books (according to my father, vol. 1-3 is the best among the 5 vol.).

I guess that's all for now. :D

Friday 20 June 2014


According to my father, I've master my guitar playing and going to master my language (Chinese). Its been 4 years since I last read a single Chinese book. Now I'm reading  射鵰英雄傳 (The Legend of the Condor Heroes) and at the same time watching the original series in the 90's. This fantastic book tells the story of the young Genghis Khan 'till the death of him. As you know recently, I've been studying China history from 1195 'till the end of 1200. What I think of Genghis Khan is that he is a kind, intelligent and cares a lot about his wife type of person although some of you still think he is a barbaric king that kill babies and drink their blood .

Speaking of Khan, you guys should remember this quote, "Revenge is a dish best served cold"- Khan Noonien Singh in Star Trek II Wrath of Khan. Here's a funny thing :


Thursday 29 May 2014

When Gods Walk the Earth!!!

Its been three months since my last post (sorry about that) : P. For the past few months, I'm either studying for exam or studying about extraterrestrials. As for now, I'm sharing a short post while I'm reading Empire of Silver by Conn Iggulden (originally from China's history). After the death of The Great Khan (Genghis Khan), his son Ogedai  takes over his father's throne.   

I've finished reading The Eternals by Neil Gaiman and amazing artist, John Romita Jr. The writing is brilliant as well as the art which is EPIC. It tells us a story about the past where the Celestials (ancient space Gods) came to Earth which leads to the creation of the Eternals.


Saturday 18 January 2014

The Return of the Batman (Dark Knight Returns)

Frank Miller (writer and penciller), Klaus Janson (inker),80's, old farts fighting one another in The Dark Knight Returns, what could possibly go wrong??? You have Batman (old, fat, grumpy) fighting Harvey Dent/Two-face (not so old), Joker (fit, still scary, insane), the Mutants (not the X-men) and the political side, Superman (old, annoying, dumb). In just 4 issues, you can have mind-blowing stuff coming at you. Bruce Wayne is 55 years old and has retired being Batman as the crime levels increasing. Commissioner Gorden is retiring on his birthday and the post was given to Captain Ellen Yindel, a critic of Batman and enemy of crime. 

Wayne is watching the TV news while recalling the night his parents died. He, finding his retirement difficult, became the Batman. Word of advice, read the book. Batman goes to town controlling the crime including saving Carrie Kelley, a 13 year old student. Carrie, amazed by Batman, buys herself a Robin costume and searches the Batman, seeking to help him. That's all I can talk about, like I said: read the book. Last but not least, the funniest and cutest art in The Dark Knight Returns.