Sunday 25 February 2018

"What in the World is Going On?", by Dr. David Jeremiah

"[W]e have a certain promise that the Lord will return. Ours is not a mere longing or a desperate hope... for our Lord is the Creator and Master of all, and His promise is as sure as His very existence. 

The prophets, the angels, and the apostle John all echo the words of promise from Jesus Himself that He will return. God's Word further amplifies the promise by giving us clues in prophecy to help us identify the signs that His return is close at hand. The signs that tell us the second-coming of he Lord is drawing near should motivate us as never before to live in readiness... [T]he Rapture, which is the next event on the prophetic calendar, will take place seven years before [the Tribulation]...

As we anticipate His return, we are not to foolishly set dates and leave our jobs and homes to wait for Him on some mountain. We are to remain busy doing the work set before us, living in love and serving in ministry, even when the days grow dark and the nights long.

Be encouraged!
Be anticipating!
We are secure; we belong to Christ [!]"

~ Dr. David Jeremiah, "What in the World is Going On?" (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2008), page 237.

God Bless!