Wednesday 16 November 2016

The New Unger's Bible Handbook

As you all know, I got Unger's Bible Dictionary earlier this year for my birthday. Well, recently I got Unger's Bible Handbook. Muahaha!!! Now I have 'Unger Tools' for my Bible studies. This is just a short post and I only got this thing in my mind. I have a total of four books by Merrill F. Unger, including Biblical Demonology and What Demons Can Do To Saints.  

Saturday 5 November 2016

The Seduction of Christianity

I recently read The Seduction of Christianity: Spiritual Discernment in the Last Days by Dave Hunt and T.A.McMahon. This is the second book I’ve read by Dave Hunt after finished reading Peace, Prosperity and the Coming Holocaust. It’s a very good, clear and detailed book on knowing all about the dangers of the seducing New Age Movements, Positive Mental Attitude (PMA), Shamanism, psychology, spirit guides and many more that’s INVADING THE CHURCH!!! This book was first published back in 1985 and both of these gentlemen considered this to be a VERY, VERY SERIOUS ISSUE.

From the back cover of the book:
The Bible clearly states that a great Apostasy must occur before Christ’s Second Coming. Today [remember, this was back in 1985 – my emphasis] Christians are being deceived by a new world view more subtle and more seductive than anything the word has ever experienced.
What are the dangers in the growing acceptance and practice of- 
• positive and possibility thinking 
• healing of memories 
• self-help philosophies 
• holistic medicine 
The Seduction of Christianity will not appear as a frontal assault or oppression of our religious beliefs. Instead, it will come as the latest “fashionable philosophies” offering to make us happier, healthier, better educated, even more spiritual. 
A compelling look at the times we live in. A clear call to every believer to choose between the Original and the counterfeit. Only then can we hope to escape 

This is one particular segment in the book that I find to be very true: 

It is absolutely necessary to allow the Bible to judge every experience. If there is not clear teaching in the Bible to support a practice, it should not be adopted by the church today, regardless of how beautiful and seemingly miraculous the experiences are that it produces. Unfortunately, to an alarming degree, the Scriptures are no longer looked upon as the full and sufficient guide given by the Holy Spirit for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16, 17). 

Two major attitudes have opened the door to error in the church: 1) Experience is taken as self-authenticating, so that the need for the biblical authentication is considered to be marginal at best; and/or 2) psychological theories are accepted that provide the authentication of experiences and practices which cannot be justified from the Bible. Both of these attitudes are becoming widespread in the church [emphasis in the original]. - Dave Hunt and T.A.McMahon, The Seduction of Christianity (Harvest House, 1985), Chapter 12: Psychological Salvation, p.179, second paragraph. 

In conclusion, to have spiritual discernment in the Last Days and to correct and reproof this seduction and the people practicing it, including fellow believers in Christ, I recommend this book highly. I also recently got Dave Hunt’s Global Peace and the Rise of the Antichrist


Wednesday 12 October 2016

Robot Fire Fighters (Transformers' Protectobots)

Hello again!!! So, recently, I got a Transformers action figure for RM20.00. It’s called ‘ROBOT FIRE FIGHTERS’ (at least that’s what it says on the package). Set number: NO.H66013. This is actually my birthday present when I was only 9 years old. I kinda accidentally spoil this set back then. Yeah. That happened. I was a kid. Crazy stuff happens :P Anyway, this is a review of the set. Oh, did I mention that this is a copy (Made in China) from the original Autobot character from the combiner robot, Protectobot, known as Defensor?

Front of the package 

Back of the package 

The figure 

Front view of the figure 

Right view of the figure 

Back view of the figure 

Left view of the figure 

Some action poses 

Size comparison 

The original action figure

Explode view of the limbs 

Explode view of the accessories 

The accessories for the combiner robot 

The figures in vehicle mode 

The figures in robot mode 

The name for this figure (on the package) is ‘Fire Engine’. The actual name following the original Transformers character is Hot Spot. Notice that this figure is red in color, and not in blue like the original. 

Straight extension of the ladder 

Upwards extension of the ladder 

This is where you keep the big guy’s head 

Vehicle in upright position 

Front view 

 Right view 

Back view 

Left view 

The name for this figure (on the package) is ‘Whirlbird’. The actual name following the original Transformers character is Blades. 

Side view 

Back view 

Front view 

Right view 

Back view 

Left view 

The name for this figure (on the package) is ‘Patrol Wagon’. The actual name following the original Transformers character is Streetwise. 

Side view 

Back view 

Front view 

Right view 

Back view 

Left view 

The name for this figure (on the package) is ‘Motorcycle’. The actual name following the original Transformers character is Groove. 

Side view 

Back view 

Front view 

 Right view 

Back view 

Left view 

The name for this figure (on the package) is ‘Ambulance’. The actual name following the original Transformers character is First Aid. Notice the spelling of emergency- 'emergegy'. Hahaha!!!

Side view 

Back view 

Front view 

 Right view 

Back view 

Left view 
OK. That’s all for now. :D