Saturday 18 January 2014

The Return of the Batman (Dark Knight Returns)

Frank Miller (writer and penciller), Klaus Janson (inker),80's, old farts fighting one another in The Dark Knight Returns, what could possibly go wrong??? You have Batman (old, fat, grumpy) fighting Harvey Dent/Two-face (not so old), Joker (fit, still scary, insane), the Mutants (not the X-men) and the political side, Superman (old, annoying, dumb). In just 4 issues, you can have mind-blowing stuff coming at you. Bruce Wayne is 55 years old and has retired being Batman as the crime levels increasing. Commissioner Gorden is retiring on his birthday and the post was given to Captain Ellen Yindel, a critic of Batman and enemy of crime. 

Wayne is watching the TV news while recalling the night his parents died. He, finding his retirement difficult, became the Batman. Word of advice, read the book. Batman goes to town controlling the crime including saving Carrie Kelley, a 13 year old student. Carrie, amazed by Batman, buys herself a Robin costume and searches the Batman, seeking to help him. That's all I can talk about, like I said: read the book. Last but not least, the funniest and cutest art in The Dark Knight Returns.