Wednesday 13 November 2013

Thor: The Dark World

Recently, I've watched Thor: The Dark World. It is the best superhero movie so far. Do you guys know that almost every single thing you see in the movie is based on the original creator of Thor, Stan Lee and Jack ‘The King’ Kirby from the very first appearance in Journey Into Mystery #83! First things first, the heroes or the good guys. Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is obviously the hero in this second movie where you get to see him in a really heroic way tying to save the universe from the baddie Malekith (Christopher Eccleston), the leader of the dark elves who is unleashing the Aether.

The second baddie is Kurse which is created by the number one most powerful character in the Marvel Universe, the Beyonder in Secret Wars 2. It’s the first time on screen where you get to see The Collector,Yggdrasil or the Odin Tree. I can’t believe my own eyes that I actually saw The Collector on screen. For those who don't know, The Collector likes to collect things throughout the universe like Superman’s Fortress of Solitude where he helps to preserve the beings from another planet that extinct. The Collector is also one of the elder who keep the Infinity Gems. There are a lot to read to finally understand the whole concept of the movie and the characters in it.

Oh, almost forgot the most important person in this movie, one of the nicest people in Comic Con and one of the best British actors, LOKI (Tom Hiddleston)!!! Don’t you think is weird that Thor is obviously the good guy in this movie and yet there are fans just crazy about Loki? I mean seriously he is even more famous than Thor in ‘Thor’. They should also just change the title of the movie to (once again) LOKI. But just face reality that instead of Thor, we choose Loki to be the hero (like Thanos). He is really good in this movie compare to the first movie and Avengers.